9 May 2019

Carlos Gómez-Guijarro awarded his Phd. Congratulations!

Carlos Gómez-Guijarro of The Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) succesfully defended his Ph.d - thesis "High-redshift Progenitors of Massive Galaxies" on the 9th of May, 2019, and was awarded his degree. All of us at DAWN are very proud!

After the thesis defence, a reception for friends, family and co-workers was held at Vibenshuset, with Carlos, Center Director Sune Toft, who was Carlos' Phd - supervisor, and Associate Professor Georgios Magdis all giving speeches.

Carlos Goméz - Guijarro with his principal supervisors at the reception at Vibenshuset

During the reception, Carlos were given commemoration presents, along with presents from his colleagues at DAWN, among which were a very nice hat for Carlos to enjoy his summer now.

You can find Carlos' thesis here https://www.nbi.ku.dk/english/research/phd_theses/phd_theses_2019/carlos_g_guijarro/Carlos_G_Guijarro.pdf.