DAWNs primary source of funding is a center of excellence grant from the Danish National research foundation, which runs for up to 10 years, starting in the fall 2017. In addition to this, DAWN will support its members to obtain personal grants from Danish and international funding agencies.

DAWN scientists at the moment hold three such grants, the ERC Consolidator Project: Connecting the Extreme (PI:Toft), the Villum Young Investigator Project: “Gas to dust, dust to stars” (PI: Magdis) and the DFF project: “The first generations of Galaxies” (PI: Watson).


The Danish National Research Foundation funds frontline, curiosity-driven research of the highest quality in Denmark. Read more >>


VILLUM FONDEN and VELUX FONDEN are philanthropic foundations and a part of THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS. Read more >>

The ERC's mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence. Read more >>