Anisotropela with Peter Laursen:
DAWN PostDoc Peter Laursen is very passionate about outreach and generally participates in all kinds of activities; from talks to high school students about the fundamental cosmological questions like "What does the Universe expand into?" and "Is there more than one Universe?" (Danish), to podcasting and writing award-winning popsci articles. An example series of questions from an outreach event in May 2020 can be found here (in Danish).
Peter Laursen's different activities throughout the years can be found on the website Anisotropela.
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Talk about galaxies with Johan Fynbo from Carlsbergfondet on Vimeo.
Johan Fynbo, Professor at DAWN, talks about the foundations and history of the study of galaxies and cosmology and why we want to continue pushing the boundaries of astronomy on this video from one of our main contributors, Carlsbergfondet:
Science Slam w/ Peter Laursen & Thomas Greve at the Planetarium
Planetarium fejrer 30 år med Per Vers, Science Slam og bobler from Planetarium Copenhagen on Vimeo.
The Planetarium in Copenhagen is celebrating it's 30th anniversary, and an event where eight physics professors, postdocs and PhD will discuss which area of physics is actually the best will be held with participation of Peter Laursen and Thomas Greve of DAWN. Drop by and check it out. There will be researchers representing everything from new aerospace technology to galaxy formation (yay), cosmoclimatology and exoplanetary studies.
The format of the event will be of a "Rapping Fight Night", a real Science Slam!
Check out the event website here! https://planetarium.dk/program/planetarium-fejrer-30-aar-med-per-vers-science-slam-og-bobler/
On the website, you can also see Peter telling us a bit about what's going to happen.
Opportunity for outreach at DAWN
Visit us
High school classes and other groups can request a visit at the section. The most common topic is cosmology with focus on galaxies and galactic fields, but other related topics are possible.
Please fill in the form in Danish or write an e-mail to the section secretary at dawn_admin@nbi.ku.dk
DAWNs outreach activities
Showing the night sky to the public – Johan Fynbo in Tænketanken eksistensen
Discovery of the origin of heavy elements (On UCPH-web) - Darach Watson in Nature
Putting Supermassive Black Holes on the Scale - John Weaver in Astrobites
Connecting Galaxy Properties to their Star-formation Histories - John Weaver in Astrobites
QUESTing for an answer: Elucidating the role of gas in star-formation - John Weaver in Astrobites
Deciphering Spitzer’s Legacy: Signs of Dead Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn - John Weaver in Astrobites
Plenty of Gas Left in Giant Dead Disk Galaxies - John Weaver in Astrobites
Discovery of the mist distant dusty star foring galaxy - Georgios Magdis in NBI News
Astronomers spot giant dusty galaxy forming during the infancy of our universe - Sinclaire Mannng, Georgios Magdis, Sune Toft in NBI News
Record breaking observations find most remote protocluster of galaxies, linking dark matter to galaxy formation - Seiji Fujimoto, Sune Toft in NBI News
Carbon cocoons surround growing galaxies far beyond previous beliefs, says new study from the Niels Bohr Institute - Sune Toft in NBI News
Almost Human and Stay Curious - Johan Fynbo
Planetarium's 30th birthday - Peter Laursen
Remote Q&A for high schoolers with Peter Laursen.
"Let's answer the big questions"!
Questions asked during the session, with video link (in Danish)
- Hvad udvider Universet sig ud i?/What is the Universe expanding into?
- Man taler om “the fabric of space” — hvad består det af? We speak about "the fabric of space" - what is that made of?
- Hvordan kan det være at der ikke er et centrum, når nu Universet kommer fra en eksplosion, og Universet er i gang med at udvide sig? How can it be that there is no center, since the Universe originated in an explosion and is currently expanding?
- Når nu hastigheden øges, er det så pga. små fusioner der fungerer som hjælpemotorer, eller er det noget der skubber i den ene ende/trækker i den anden? Since the velocity of the expansion increseas, is that due to small fusion engines or is there something that pushes in one end and pulls in the other?
- Er der flere universer? Are there more Universes?
The full list of answered questions can be found here.
High school talk at Det Fri Gymnasium
Subject: Cosmology
- by Peter Laursen
High school talk at Gladsaxe Gymnasium
Subject: The Plank Mission
- by Hans Ulrik Nørgaard Nielsen
High school talk at Roskilde Katedralskole
Subject: The JWST Mission
- by Hans Ulrik Nørgaard Nielsen
Lecture for Folkeuniversitetet
Subject: Cosmic Dawn
- by Sune Toft
Presentation for Viborg Gymnasium
Subject: Hvorfor er det Mørkt om Natten? [Why is it Dark at Night?]
- by Peter Jakobsen
Presentation for Sukkertoppen Gymnasium
Subject Hvorfor er det Mørkt om Natten? [Why is it Dark at night?]
- by Peter Jakobsen
Talk at the Athena School for highly gifted children
Subject: Cosmology
- by Peter Laursen
Talk for high schools visiting DAWN
Subject: Galaxies
- by Peter Laursen
Galaxy Evolution - Charles Steinhardt at Seattle Astronomical Society |
The early death of cosmic giants (video-recording) - Francesco Valentino at Associazione AstronomiAmo |
Stjernedannelse i galakser - Isabella Cortzen at NOVA - Nordsjællands Astronomiforening |
Banebrydende rum-opdagelser fra 2010’erne - Johan Fynbo with Radio DR
Nobel Prize in Physics 2019 - Johan Fynbo with Radio 247
Past collision of the Milky Way with smaller galaxy (article appearing in Nature, Helmi et al. 2018) - Peter Laursen with videnskab.dk
Hvor mange stjerner findes der? [How many stars are there?] - Peter Laursen with videnskab.dk
Flat Earth Conspiracists - Peter Laursen with ABC Nyheter
Stars and Sand Grains - Peter Laursen with NRK P1
The autumn night sky - Peter Laursen with NRK P1
Science and religion - Johan Fynbo - Public talks (19 talks)
Astronomy - Johan Fynbo - Public talks (5 talks)
On galaxies at a private birthday party - Peter Laursen - TED Talk
About my research at the Copenhagen Planetarium's 30th birthday - Peter Laursen - Public talk
Lyα cooling radiation at Nordita Zoom-in-and-out workshop - Peter Laursen - Scientific talk in Stockholm
Lyman - Peter Laursen - Scientific talk at DAWN Summit
UCL Seminar - Peter Laursen - Scientific talk in London
Mapping Cosmic Collisions - John Weaver - Astronomy on Tap!
Galaxy evolution - John Weaver - Public talk
GRB Classification - Charles L. Steinhardt - AAS Presentation