
Anisotropela with Peter Laursen:

DAWN PostDoc Peter Laursen is very passionate about outreach and generally participates in all kinds of activities; from talks to high school students about the fundamental cosmological questions like "What does the Universe expand into?" and "Is there more than one Universe?" (Danish), to podcasting and writing award-winning popsci articles. An example series of questions from an outreach event in May 2020 can be found here (in Danish).

Peter Laursen's different activities throughout the years can be found on the website Anisotropela.

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Talk about galaxies with Johan Fynbo from Carlsbergfondet on Vimeo.

Johan Fynbo, Professor at DAWN, talks about the foundations and history of the study of galaxies and cosmology and why we want to continue pushing the boundaries of astronomy on this video from one of our main contributors, Carlsbergfondet:

Science Slam w/ Peter Laursen & Thomas Greve at the Planetarium

Planetarium fejrer 30 år med Per Vers, Science Slam og bobler from Planetarium Copenhagen on Vimeo.

The Planetarium in Copenhagen is celebrating it's 30th anniversary, and an event where eight physics professors, postdocs and PhD will discuss which area of physics is actually the best will be held with participation of Peter Laursen and Thomas Greve of DAWN. Drop by and check it out. There will be researchers representing everything from new aerospace technology to galaxy formation (yay),  cosmoclimatology and exoplanetary studies.

The format of the event will be of a "Rapping Fight Night", a real Science Slam!

Check out the event website here! https://planetarium.dk/program/planetarium-fejrer-30-aar-med-per-vers-science-slam-og-bobler/

On the website, you can also see Peter telling us a bit about what's going to happen.