
The profile page contains profiles on DAWN NBI's staff as well as associates and students

Name Title Job responsibilities
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Aayush Arya PhD Fellow Billede af Aayush Arya
Anne Katharina Hutter Postdoc Billede af Anne Katharina Hutter
Anton Norup Sørensen Academic Research Staff Billede af Anton Norup Sørensen
Birgitta Nordström Associate Professor Emerita Billede af Birgitta Nordström
Bo Milvang-Jensen External Consultant Billede af Bo Milvang-Jensen
Charlotte Mason Associate Professor Billede af Charlotte Mason
Clara Lucie Pollock PhD Student Billede af Clara Lucie Pollock
Conor John Ryan Mc Partland Postdoc Billede af Conor John Ryan Mc Partland
Daniele Bjørn Malesani Academic Staff Billede af Daniele Bjørn Malesani
Darach Jafar Watson Professor Billede af Darach Jafar Watson
Francesco Maria Valentino External Consultant Billede af Francesco Maria Valentino
Gabriel Brammer Associate Professor Billede af Gabriel Brammer
Gaurav Senthil Kumar Academic Staff Billede af Gaurav Senthil Kumar
Georgios Magdis Affiliate Associate Professor Billede af Georgios Magdis
Georgios Panagiotis Nikopoulos PhD Fellow Billede af Georgios Panagiotis Nikopoulos
Gonzalo Juan Prieto Lyon External Consultant Billede af Gonzalo Juan Prieto Lyon
Guozhen Ma PhD Fellow Billede af Guozhen Ma
Helena Baungaard-Sørensen Section Secretary Billede af Helena Baungaard-Sørensen
Iris Jermann Visiting PhD Student Billede af Iris Jermann
Jacob Wang Clasen External Consultant Billede af Jacob Wang Clasen
Jasleen Kaur Matharu Postdoc Billede af Jasleen Kaur Matharu
Johan Peter Uldall Fynbo Professor Billede af Johan Peter Uldall Fynbo
Joonas Kari Markku Viuho PhD Fellow Billede af Joonas Kari Markku Viuho
Joris Witstok Postdoc Billede af Joris Witstok
Kasper Elm Heintz Assistant Professor Billede af Kasper Elm Heintz
Katriona Mai Landau Gould External Consultant Billede af Katriona Mai Landau Gould
Kimi Cardoso Kreilgaard PhD Fellow Billede af Kimi Cardoso Kreilgaard
Koki Kakiichi Assistant Professor Billede af Koki Kakiichi
Lise Bech Christensen Associate Professor Billede af Lise Bech Christensen
Marko Shuntov Postdoc Billede af Marko Shuntov
Michael Ingemann Andersen Special Consultant Billede af Michael Ingemann Andersen
Mikkel Peter Lemming External Consultant Billede af Mikkel Peter Lemming
Natalie Allen PhD Fellow Billede af Natalie Allen
Nina Bonaventura External Consultant Billede af Nina Bonaventura
Pascal Oesch Associate Professor Billede af Pascal Oesch
Peter Jakobsen Affiliate Professor Billede af Peter Jakobsen
Peter Laursen Academic Research Staff Billede af Peter Laursen
Rashmi Gottumukkala PhD Fellow Billede af Rashmi Gottumukkala
Rasmus Damgaard Nielsen PhD Fellow Billede af Rasmus Damgaard Nielsen
Rikke Stougaard Klausen Student Billede af Rikke Stougaard Klausen
Shuowen Jin External Postdoc Billede af Shuowen Jin
Simone Vejlgaard Holm PhD Fellow Billede af Simone Vejlgaard Holm
Sune Toft Professor Billede af Sune Toft
Ting-Yi Lu Research Assistant Billede af Ting-Yi Lu
Tom Reynolds Research Assistant Billede af Tom Reynolds
Vasilii Kokorev External Consultant Billede af Vasilii Kokorev
Victoria Bellinger Strait Postdoc Billede af Victoria Bellinger Strait
Viola Gelli Postdoc Billede af Viola Gelli
Zihao Li PhD Fellow Billede af Zihao Li