Cake Talk by Adam Muzzin from York University

Over the last decade we have made staggering progress measuring the mass growth and star formation rates of the galaxy population out to z ~ 10. Although we now know when galaxies form their stars and grow their black holes, the how, where, and why they do so is much more poorly constrained. This is because the vast majority of information we have still comes from unresolved ground-based studies. In this talk I will present our recent work mapping out galaxy stellar populations in 2D using multi-wavelength Hubble imaging and grism observations as well as the application of new image deconvolution techniques to ground-based data. I will show that surprisingly, these observations are creating more questions about galaxy growth and assembly than they answer. I will also look to the future where space-based observatories such as JWST surveys, including our Canadian-led CANUCS GTO program, will revolutionize this field, followed shortly by overwhelmingly large datasets from Euclid and NGRT. I will also highlight how ground-based observatories with powerful AO systems such as GIRMOS on Gemini, as well as upcoming ELTs will play a pivotal role in a deeper, resolved, and 2D-understanding of the physics of galaxy formation.