Cake Talk by Laia Barrufet from University of Geneva

Over the last few years, both ALMA and Spitzer/IRAC observations have revealed a population of likely massive galaxies at z>3. However, due to the very limited photometry for individual galaxies, the true nature of these so-called HST-dark galaxies has remained elusive. In this talk, I will present the results of 33 HST-dark sources selected based on their red colours across 1.6 to 4.4 micron with NIRCam imaging from the Early Release Science Program CEERS. These galaxies are generally heavily dust-obscured, massive, star-forming sources at z~2-8. Our analysis shows the unique power of JWST to reveal this previously missing galaxy population and to provide a complete census of galaxies at z=2-8 based on rest-frame optical imaging.